Tuesday, September 1, 2009

WEEK SIX: Lecture Review

This week's lecture was awesome! I really enjoyed it. Even though I arrived late (due to minimal parking spaces in Griffith) I still was able to understand and take in the lecture.

Although the lecture was based on Mobile Content: Production and Consumption the lecturer focued a lot on the internet and again played with the concept of consumer vs. producer. His examples were great, he took us to "http://www.thetrailermash.com/ www.thetrailermash.com which showed everyday people messing with clips and trailers from movies to creater their own version of the movie or trailer. Someone had made 'The Shinning' look like a feel good movie! genius. I had a browse later on in my own time, through the website, and some of the stuff on there is amazing!

The question 'are we the consumers or the producers?' really got me thinking and I loved the fact that we can flick between the two, the lecturer really opened my eyes to the possibilities of production. The whole idea that all this information is available to us on our mobiles is insane, our private space is becoming public/ shared.

I hope the up coming lectures are as insightful! I loved this one.

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