Thursday, September 24, 2009

WEEK NINE: Lecture Review


I think everyone was a little blown away by the lecturer, he definitely brightened up my day.


that wasn't his soul purpose he was also very educational.

He focused mainly on the concept of 'utopia' and how this is represented on the web. He explained that when the web first started up companies just threw money at it thinking they would be making a massive gain but instead everything fell apart. As the web is constantly changing, which is good but very bad in a business sense as everything you/they built up will just be brought down or people will move on (myspace) Chaotic. (pet shop online example!) Everyone is searching for utopia but the key is to target specific groups (such as elftown).

All his examples such as the 'dot com' crash, pirate bay and the anti-wikipedia were wonderful and were really interesting to discuss and view. I also thought his website mixing poetry and technology in a game environment was very interesting and I need to go back and have a closer look.

In conclusion he said that the web works best and most effectively when individuals continuously work and produce interesting material.

I totally agree.

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