Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My First Post

This is the first time I have ‘blogged’ and I am learning to do it in/ at University! I never thought that would happen. I am finding the whole experience interesting. I mean; technology is constantly advancing and leaning to blog and involve myself in the web and Internet as much as possible will only help when when I am finding my feet in a career.
Although I was hesitant when I first saw that New Communications technology was going to be a compulsory subject in Semester Two, I now feel more at ease, as I am able to relate to the subject in a personal way. For example facebook, google and myspace have come up in tute conversation and these sites I use everyday, constantly.

By posting two blogs a week – possibly more, I think it will allow me to fall more and more into the realms of the Internet/ web/ technology. I sometime find myself avoiding problems when it comes to computers and my mobile and palm them off to my dad or friends who seem to have a knack for solving technical problems.

I hope this subject will educate me in the possibilites of techologies and open my eyes a little more to what’s going on, and where this techology is heading in years to come. Because I know, whether I like it or not, techology is and will always be a major aspect in my life.


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